Precision Industrial Manufacturing

where your ideas come to life.

Industrial Fabrication & Manufacturing

The fabrication and manufacturing stage is our central focus as a company. We have a team with years of manufacturing experience specifically in the industrial field. We utilize top-of-the-line machines and tools for maximum precision. Our combination of specialized people and specialized equipment means that the standard of our fabrication is unmatched, and we take great pride in the quality of our work.


It starts with your vision

Precision Industrial Manufacturing is devoted to providing our clients with the highest-caliber manufacturing services to fulfill products in the timeline required. We achieve this by fostering a supportive environment that encourages our employees to continuously improve their craft, become leaders in their careers, and seize all opportunities to better themselves and their team.


We understand the importance of a physical product having exact proportions in order to properly function. That’s why we’ve eliminated significant room for human error by investing in state-of-the-art machines to cut the different materials we work with. First, we upload the specified part into our equipment using CNC software. Our plasma table creates cuts to 1/30th of an inch. Our water jet can slice through meltable materials like glass with laser precision. These machines are also able to etch labels and part numbers for easy identification. Parts will get finished shaping through sanding and buffing as needed.


Once each individual part has been perfected, your project is ready to be constructed. Our team will weld, screw, place, and tighten parts together, testing it throughout for safety. Your project is taking shape and will be ready for you soon!


No project is complete before we check that it meets our strict quality standards. We have employees dedicated specifically to quality assurance, who are trained in welding inspection and welding codes. Products are meticulously examined before they leave our shop and depart to your worksite.

industrial design and fabricationPrecision Industrial Manufacturing is proud to be a company in the Precision Industrial family, which includes Precision Industrial Contractors and Professional Industrial Carriers. If you require installation of our products, look no further than Precision Industrial Contractors. You’ll receive the same high-quality service that has been a Precision Industrial guarantee since 1989, and working with our sister company eliminates the complications of working with a third-party installer. If you want to learn more about Precision Industrial Contractors, please visit their website here


plasma table

press brake

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we'LL make it happen

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